Cuban coffee

Honey Whole Wheat Bread from Scratch

Honey Whole Wheat Bread from Scratch

This morning, I woke up and felt, again, like someone had died. One of my favorite grieving books is Joan Didion’s Year of Magical Thinking. We’re going to need four years of it. We’re also going to need a good breakfast routine.

The Secrets of Cuban Coffee

The Secrets of Cuban Coffee

I used to take coffee for granted, before I moved to Cuba. On the island, I am learning about another way to drink and make coffee -- it's a slower process, as Cubans use Italian-style espresso makers on the stove, but one that is just as rewarding as I discovered at my friend M's home recently. 

Finding the Meaning of "Local" at the Cuban Farmer's Market

Finding the Meaning of "Local" at the Cuban Farmer's Market

I spend about five to six hours of my week buying food for my family, because in Cuba, there is no one-stop supermarket like Safeway or Whole Foods. Even daring to put the words "Whole Foods" and "Cuba" in the same sentence seems comical, or tragic ... or both...