Three of us are different from the others ...
After my two years of living in Cuba, here's what separates me (and my kids) from all my recent friends and family who have visited us.
You know you're no longer an American tourist in Cuba when ...
1. You can sing “Hasta que se seca el malecon” without tripping up the words.
2. You know that you’re not supposed to be charged $5 for entering the Hotel Nacional.
3. You start bargaining for things in Moneda Nacional.
4. You start leaving less than 10 percent tips for your meals.
5. You call people who are not your mommy or your poppy “mami” y “papi.”
6. You know how to eat a mamey (and know what that is).
7. You go to the bathroom and use only two squares of toilet paper at a time (if you have toilet paper).
8. You get mad at your spouse for throwing out plastic cups and paper plates.
9. You don’t blink an eye when your supermarket checkout lady tells you to pay her on the side for half of your groceries.
10. When you get in a line, you ask very casually for “El ultimo?” before going off, doing 10 errands, and coming back to take your place in line.